Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Happiness Circle

Let's Complete The Circle of Happiness

Happiness, Happiness, Happiness ! OMG So much of it
Soooo much of happiness. It is really hard to handle. Why not give some Away?
Isn't there a Universal Rule that Happiness is one thing that when you give returns back to you manifolds.

Circle of Happiness
Happiness is One thing
  1. that doesn't want to go
  2. doesn't want to be subtracted
  3. doesn't want to be less
Happiness is One thing
  1. that  increases
  2. that multiplies
  3. that flourishes
  4. Where Subtraction Becomes Multiplication !!!
It is like everything else and completes a circle. There is a Circle of Life, There is a Circle in Everything. You start at a point and reach a Destination but in a real end, you reach your start again. You complete a Whole Full Blown Circle. Hmm.

Well, The Happiness Circle is also a factual reality. You give away and then it somehow returns to you, thus completing a Full Circle. This is the Law of Attraction , a universal law that works behind it. Many times you donot know and realize that but sometimes you hear stories or reflect on your life experiences and understand this basic fact.

What happens when you make someone else happy ?
  1. You feel happy in the process
  2. You satisfy yourself
  3. You do good to your mind and to your body. This is because you release happy hormone endorphin that does more good to you than you can imagine
  4. You give the universe a reason to smile. That universe might be the person you made happy and the universe returns the goodness.
  5. You bring the universe into harmony because when there is sadness the equilibrium of the universe is destroyed and when you put your goodness in it (try to correct something, a relationship, try to console and comfort someone etc) the negative energy gets cancelled with the positive vibes you give, thus returning the universe to a state of Wholeness, a state of Wellness and Harmony
Universe never keeps the loan that you give it. If you lend something, it will give it back manifolds in ways not understandable, in ways unimaginable. This is law of the universe.

The circle of happiness is
  1. Round and Infinite
  2. Never ending and on going
  3. Ever green and eternal
  4. Infinite and continuing
Let's join hands to share and complete the circle
Let's connect ourselves into a never ending circle of happiness where there is enough for everybody
Let's get into the circle
Let's be the circle

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